Welcome to
Saving Innocents

Saving Innocents is a nonprofit organization dedicated to combating human trafficking through a range of impactful initiatives. Founded by Yasmine Askalani, Saving Innocents was established with a mission to protect our community from the pervasive threat of the vulnerable.

With the advancement of technology and media, human trafficking, and exploitation have increased, making it easier for traffickers to target victims. This is why Saving Innocents awareness programs are essential to combat this horrific crime. 

Mission Statement

Developing strategies, identifying imminent threats, and means of prevention. 

Arming our communities with the tools and indicators for detection. Obstructing the trafficker's schemes, and grooming process. 

Early is key.

Safety for now and the future

Safety for ourselves, our children, and our future generations is our main priority. We are working to establish safety for our community through lobbying for tight safer laws to combat this ever growing crime. Adopting new protocols and easy access to information in our schools, universities, trains, airports, hotels, and neighborhoods. We will advocate for a safety network in the community and around the world working with world organizations and embassies.  

Spreading awareness with accurate, and valuable information.

Why is it important to spread awareness?

 Human trafficking is the second most profitable trade in the world and is exponentially growing worldwide affecting our communities.

 The United States is the highest consumer of human trafficking.

 Spreading awareness on this horrific crime is prevention. 

Pioneering our youth through kindness over cruelty.

Educate our youth about masked threats of our world while maintaining their view of the purity and beauty that surrounds them.

Many survivors have been trafficked by romantic partners, including spouses, and by family members, including parents. 

Social media is the ultimate platform for recruitment of children, and teenagers. 

Our Vision

Our vision is to protect our innocent communities, nation, and world. The prime victims of human trafficking are less than 18 years old , with 1 in 4 victims being children. It is estimated that over 30 million children have lost their childhood to human trafficking in the past 30 years. These staggering statistics underscore the urgency and importance of our mission. Saving Innocents is dedicated to raising awareness and providing education to politicians, embassies, schools, and vulnerable populations to reduce the incidence of human trafficking. It begins with you, extends to your community, and together, we can make a global impact.

Meet the Team!

  • Yasmine is the Founder and CEO of Saving Innocents. She is also the founder of the Beautiful Minds Club an exclusive environment offering a variety of educational and cultural programs and activities to enhance intellectual growth.

  • Media Manager at Saving Innocents

    Audrey Pan is a rising senior at the University of Utah and is pursuing her double bachelor’s in Political Science and Acting. She consistently has a passion for the nonprofit world including her work in public policy at YWCA Utah and NSL4A in Washington DC.

  • Intern at Saving Innocents

    Camilla has been an anti-human trafficking activist for the past two and a half years. She is currently earning a bachelor's degree at the University of Utah in Arabic and Political Science. Camilla holds numerous certifications in human trafficking education and remains dedicated to fighting for freedom worldwide.